KAMOL C. HAMADY – b. Lebanon, 1893. Hamady was a Lebanese Druze immigrant who co-founded Hamady Brothers’ Grocery in Flint in 1911 with his cousin Michael Hamady. “In Flint for Flint” was the company’s motto. The Hamady markets also were the first stores of their time to let a customer shop on their own without the help of a clerk to retrieve groceries. The stores famously provided food and groceries to the workers during the Sit-Down Strike. The business flourished and at one point, the chain had 39 stores and 13,000 employees and had such a strong presence in Flint that all brown paper grocery bags were locally known as Hamady bags. Members of the Hamady family operated the stores for over 60 years. d. Flint, Michigan, 1969.
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