WILLIAM B. McCREERY - b. Mt. Morris, Livingston County, New York, Aug. 27, 1836. McCreery was a lawyer who became famous for his daring escape in 1864 from the infamous Libby prison in Richmond, Virginia. He recounted the harrowing event in his book My Experience as a Prisoner of War and Escape from Libby Prison, which was published in 1893. He and another officer later were chosen by the escapees to be their spokesmen for a meeting with President Lincoln. After the War McCreery was twice elected Mayor of Flint (1865 and 1866) and during this time was a director of the First National Bank. He served in other state and federal posts, most importantly U.S. Consul to Valparaiso, Chile in 1890. d. Flint, Michigan, Dec. 9, 1896.
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